Seems like for some reason the heat is on
Cynthia Mckinney. There has been a lot of talk about her upcoming run-off election with
Hank Johnson both locally & nationwide. I even saw a "Beat Cynthia" banner ad for Johnson on one of my fav liberal blogs. Why does she have so many critics these days?? The republicans I can understand, hell I even expect to be critical. I mean this is the woman who way back in 02'
called for an investigation into 9/11 & gw's knowledge of impending attacks. Mr. Johnson seems like a fine man who would represent GA well. But the case for removing Ms. Mckinney simply hasn't been made.
All I've heard is how Mckinney is an "embaressment". I don't know exactly what is meant by this. I guess the incident with the capital police is what the critics cite, even though Mckinney was never charged.
The bottom line is that the district that she represents is overwhelmingly in support of Mckinney. Take it from me, I live in metro Atl. The only reason Johnson forced the runoff was because of support from the republicans in GA / nationwide. Think about all of the negative stories she has endured.
Prediction: Mckinney will win the run-off with ease & be re-elected this fall.