Monday, August 28, 2006
Columbus, Ga., Wins Little League Title
Cody Walker hit a two-run homer, Kyle Carter struck out 11, and Columbus beat Kawaguchi City, Japan, 2-1 on Monday, giving an American team the championship for the second straight year.
Good Luck!!
The team representing the country in the Little League World Series is from Columbus,GA.
This is a good post from Dr. Atrios about Joe Biden. Seems like he's bragging about his state being a "slave state".
Memo to Biden: I don't think this is the way you want to try and get the support of southern dems. ( Especially African-Americans)
I don't know what's wrong with the brains of these people:
Biden dismissed the notion that he was a
"Northeastern liberal" who would have a poor showing in the South against other
likely contenders such as Virginia Gov. Mark Warner and former Sen.John Edwards
of North Carolina, the 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee."Better than
anybody else," Biden said, when asked on "Fox News Sunday" to rate his chances
of winning Southern states."You don't know my state," he said. "My state was a
slave state. My state is a border state. My state has the eighth-largest black
population in the country. My state is anything from a Northeast liberal
Sunday, August 27, 2006
"Idlewild", GA Pt. 2
The Warner Bros. drinking comedy "Beerfest" opened in fourth place with $6.5 million. Universal Pictures' musical drama "Idlewild," starring Andre Benjamin and Antwan A. Patton of OutKast, premiered at No. 9 with $5.9 million. "Idlewild" scored the best per-theater numbers among new wide releases, averaging $6,064 in 973 cinemas, about one-third the locations for "Invincible," which averaged $5,838 in 2,917 theaters, and "Beerfest," which did $2,193 in 2,964 sites.
Well, I'm sure the troops liked this but they still would rather be home.
Dancers Land in Iraq. Marines Offer No Resistance.
HADITHA DAM, Iraq — One by one, the marines took the stage for one of the most coveted photo opportunities of the war. Tanea sat on a knee of an eager marine while Laurie rested on the other.
Hands on their miniskirted hips, Amber and Renee posed at each side. Dani stood behind and held the marine’s rifle as the camera snapped the photo. Some of the young marines who lined up for the memento were so mesmerized by the experience that they had to be reminded not to leave their weapons behind.
The Haditha Dam is in a hostile stretch of the Euphrates River 140 miles northwest of Baghdad where the marines do battle with insurgents in the oppressive heat. But for a few hours this summer, the chow hall inside the dam was transformed into a theater for five shapely dancers who seemed to embody many a young marine’s fantasy.
It's good to see that they have something to take their minds off the horrible mess G.W. has gotten them mixed up in. ( Wish they would've had this kinda "entertainment" for us back in 90').
For the Purrfect Angelz, it was a stop on a tour that also took them to bases like Al Qaim and Taji. The dancers, former cheerleaders, calendar models and aspiring actresses, have an active schedule in the United States, much of which consists of events for motorcycle riders. By design, the routines at Haditha are a bit tamer than the biker fare.
"Idlewild", GA

Nice day in the ATL.
All the buzz is about the new Outkast movie "Idlewild". Everyone I've talked to loved it. I watched a review show today & they gave it 1 thumb up & 1 down. (Not that their opinion really matters!) It's gonna be interesting to see how it does for the wknd. I have to admit I haven't seen it yet, but plan to soon.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Surprised Anyone??
Neb. Tries to Oust Trooper Linked to KKK
By NELSON LAMPE Associated Press WriterAugust 26, 2006, 8:08 AM EDT
OMAHA, Neb. -- Robert Henderson was not fired as a state trooper because he belonged to the Ku Klux Klan and another white supremacist group, authorities said. Instead, he was ousted because he could not uphold public trust while participating in such groups, they said. An arbitrator disagreed, ordering the State Patrol to reinstate Henderson within 60 days and pay him back wages. The state went to court Friday to keep him off the force.
O.k. this officer of the law is a member of the klan, & it doesn't conflict with the oath he took to protect & serve?? And by the way, I'm constantly hearing that racism is a thing of the past. Why do we have folks like Sharpton/Jackson still around.
Arbitrator Paul J. Caffera, a New York lawyer, last week overturned the firing. He said Henderson was entitled to his First Amendment rights of free speech and that the state violated the troopers' contract, in part when it fired Henderson "because of his association with the Knights Party ... and the Ku Klux Klan."
Hannity & all his "wing-nut" friends made a big thing of Cynthia Mckinney having members of the New Black Panthers in her security detail. Wonder if they'll get upset about this??
Henderson also said he had joined the KKK, according to the arbitrator's report. He did so, he said, for two reasons: His wife had "divorced him for a minority" and the KKK gave him an avenue to vent his frustration.
This is just one officer that was outed. I wonder how many others there are like him around the country?? Every person of color in Nebraska should be outraged. ( We all should)
"The integrity of Nebraska's law enforcement is at risk," Attorney General Jon Bruning said at news conference in Lincoln. "The Constitution does not require law enforcement to employ anyone tied to the KKK."
What do you think about G.W.??
Hollywood star SANDRA BULLOCK's husband JESSE JAMES has launched a scathing verbal attack on US President GEORGE W BUSH, calling the leader "a d**khead". The motorcycle maker visited American soldiers outside Baghdad, Iraq - and is convinced the majority of the US military agree with him. James says, "Everyone in Iraq knows Bush is a d**khead. He's the boss' kid. "Everybody I know who has a successful business who has a kid - the kid is always a f**khead. Have you ever noticed that?"25/08/2006 17:13
This is from one of the "Hollywood liberals" that has actually gone to Iraq to visit our troops. Another reason to like J.J. is his bad ass choppers!!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Do The Right Thing
Spike Lee "did the right thing" (get it!) with his new documentary airing on HBO.
More later...
G W still sucks...
Poll: Opposition to Iraq war at all-time high: Poll results
• Complete poll results (PDF)
• Bush: Democrats wrong on Iraq
• Bush: U.S. will not leave Iraq
(CNN) -- Opposition among Americans to the war in Iraq has reached a new high, with only about a third of respondents saying they favor it, according to a poll released Monday
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Is this a story to get those GOP base voters out this fall? You know those knuckle draggers who are afraid of anyone that doesn't look like them.
Minority Population Growing Around U.S.
August 15, 2006, 12:25 PM EDT
WASHINGTON -- America's growing diversity has reached nearly every state. From South Carolina's budding immigrant population to the fast-rising number of Hispanics in Arkansas, minority groups make up an increasing share of the population in every state but one, according to figures released Tuesday by the Census Bureau.

The GOP is slick with their shit.
Instead of "racial profiling" which causes all kinds of repugnant feelings, let's call it "terrorist profiling". That's how Hannity & Fox News is trying to frame things.
I've seen someone on Fox & Freaks do something like this one morning while I was getting ready for work.
Anyways, Hannity's still talking bout' Mckinney,why I don't know since she lost!
Probably because he ..well you see the sign!
Monday, August 14, 2006
I wonder if Fox News / GOP will spin this, like these journalists are more patriotic / heroic than all the others that died in war zones. I do pray for their safe return home.
Fox News employees kidnapped: Around-the-clock updatesPlease keep Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig in your thoughts and prayers.
Monday, Aug 14
FNCers Kidnapped In Gaza: "Pray For Their Release. I Will Keep You Posted" --Moody
FNC senior VP John Moody's internal message to Fox News personnel about the kidnapping:"The rumors are true: two of our employees have been abducted in Gaza. We will report this fact via our Israel correspondents. Do NOT do any other segments on it. Do not book guests on this topic. Do not comment officially and of course, not on the air, about it. DO pray for their release. I will keep you posted."
Sunday, August 13, 2006
What do the troops think?
General Hears Marines' Concerns in Iraq. Yeah, Gen. Pete Pace went to Iraq & got an earfull from our finest. (Semper Fi.)
Happy Trails
Mckinney's political career is more likely than not over. After her trouncing at the polls last week she continued to talk about voter irregularaties, etc...
She was made into a caricature by the GOP especially after the "incident" with the capitol police. Her biggest mistake was how she handled that, she should have immediately apologized and moved on.
Mckinney is someone who represented the "real" people of this state/country. She asked the questions that others were afraid to ask.
Was she perfect? No, but how many politicians are.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Who's gonna win??
Slow results from Mckinney/Johnson race. You know it's coming down to Dekalb Co. (Mckinney stronghold)
Might be a long night, or Johnson might be the man.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
The debate yesterday with Mckinney/Johnson was another mud-fest. Did anyone notice how testy the moderator was?? Well of course much of the opposition to Mckinney is because of her "incident" with the capitol police. When this occured everyone said things like:"No one can hit a police officer";"We have to believe the officer's story";etc...
Most police officers are honest & trustworthy. Some of them are lying, filthy, crooks. Maybe behavior like this is a reason Mckinney felt threatened by the officer.
Capitol Cop, Coach Charged in Sex Case Aug 6, 5:38 AM (ET)
WASHINGTON (AP) - A U.S. Capitol Police officer has been charged with sexual abuse after he allegedly made videotapes of himself having sex with a 15-year-old girl who said she was working as a prostitute for a Maryland high school football coach.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Another former administration official is now telling us what we've known for years. G W just ain't that bright.
Former Ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith is claiming President George W. Bush was unaware that there were two major sects of Islam just two months before the President ordered troops to invade Iraq, RAW STORY has learned.
Remember that this is the president who said he doesn't read, so don't be too surprised. I'm sure after all the briefings, he understood everything perfectly...right??
A year after his “Axis of Evil” speech before the U.S. Congress, President Bush met with three Iraqi Americans, one of whom became postwar Iraq’s first representative to the United States. The three described what they thought would be the political situation after the fall of Saddam Hussein. During their conversation with the President, Galbraith claims, it became apparent to them that Bush was unfamiliar with the distinction between Sunnis and Shiites.
Galbraith reports that the three of them spent some time explaining to Bush that there are two different sects in Islam--to which the President allegedly responded, “I thought the Iraqis were Muslims!”
Friday, August 04, 2006
I said pass the fucking salt!!
GREEN BAY, Wis. -- A man was sentenced to 16 years in prison Friday for fatally stabbing his friend with a meat fork during a drunken argument.
Rep. Cynthia A. McKinney is grabbing all the face time she can get with voters between now and Tuesday's runoff election. The embattled Georgia Democrat bought cable television ads that are scheduled to air 1,175 times in a five-day period, which began yesterday, according to public filings at the Comcast Spotlight Atlanta office.
and radio??
Mrs. McKinney and Mr. Johnson have also been battling over radio airwaves and had their first televised showdown Tuesday, which aired nationwide on C-SPAN. The candidates will again address potential voters tomorrow in the last televised debate before Tuesday's vote.
Sweet November
Bad news for GOP...
WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that the name of former House majority leader Tom DeLay must remain on the November ballot, two months after the Texas Republican resigned from Congress.
He's been fighting this for months,trying to say he doesn't live in TX anymore. Delay just knows that he's a liability to republicans this Nov. The bottom line is he can't win & that's good news for all of us.
Democratic nominee Nick Lampson had $2.1 million in the bank as of June 30, compared with about $641,000 for DeLay, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks campaign money.
Today is Friday & no WORK FOR ME!!!
Sorry for getting so excited but a couple of days off is a big deal,especially with this heat. The main reason I'm chillin' at home is my wife, today is our 6yr anniversary.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
support the troops
Soldiers are a tough group of people. Especially in these times of war & war under GW's "leadership". They've endured sandstorms, hot days, separation from loved ones, constant violence of Iraq, but THIS???
Hilary Duff Performs in Free Concert FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (AP) -- Singer and actress Hilary Duff took the stage of Crown Coliseum here Tuesday night in a free concert for military families. Duff, the multi-platinum recording artist and star of movies such as "A Cinderella Story," performed "Hilary Duff Rocks for the Troops" in Fayetteville, home of Fort Brag.
Just kidding, that was a great thing Hillary did!
It's getting hotter
If you are a democrat, & fox news is constantly reporting on a dem. candidate in a run-off election,doesn't it make sense to vote for the candidate they don't like?? Every morning on fox's horrible morning show they have taken time out to report on the Mckinney/Johnson race.
First she took it to the streets,now the courts...
Congresswoman Sues 'Atlanta Journal-Constitution' for Libel By E&P Staff Published: August 01, 2006 4:40 PM ET
NEW YORK A Democratic congresswoman from Georgia is suing The Atlanta Journal-Constitution for libel. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney filed charges against the newspaper's editor Cynthia Tucker and publisher John Mellott for an editorial column that ran in the Sunday July 30 paper about McKinney’s alleged altercation with police, according to All Headline News.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Condi & Bill
O'Reilly just interviewed Sec. of State Rice,(Condoleeza if you're nasty). Anyways, I just want to know why did it seem so staged??
New Mckinney poll
This morning Mckinney supporters were out in force (8:30 am) holding signs @ I-20/Panola road. I even picked up a flier at the corner store. Looks like my girl is pulling out all the stops & taking the fight to the "streets".
A new InsiderAdvantage/Majority Opinion poll for the Democratic primary runoff in Georgia’s 4th Congressional district shows challenger Hank Johnson maintaining his lead over incumbent U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney by a full 15 percentage points as the runoff election looms closer.McKinney’s totals moved up from the last poll late last week, but she still sat well behind former DeKalb County Commissioner Johnson.Hank Johnson – 49 percentCynthia McKinney – 34 percentUndecided – 17 percent.The tracking survey of 300 likely voters was conducted the evening of July 31, and has a margin of error of plus or minus six percent.“There has been some shift in African American voters in McKinney’s direction,” said InsiderAdvantage CEO Matt Towery. “However, the black vote remains split with local black leaders endorsing Johnson, who is trouncing McKinney among eligible white voters.”The winner of the August 8 runoff election will go on to face Republican challenger Catherine Davis in the November general election.